Like his cousin Kevin Langeree someone gave this guy a kite at a very young age. From those early days Ruben has grown into the master of extreme kiteboarding - always striving to go higher and more radical. Ruben practically invented the megaloop going out in gale force winds. Over the last few years he has been promoting the sport to the general public by organizing high powered events and shooting some amazing footage. Go to Ruben Lenten website
Ruben Lenten megaloop at the Red Bull King of the Air
Ruben Lenten on the Best Extract in Cape Town
Ruben Lenten posing for the ladies
Ruben Lenten stormchasing at Wijk aan Zee megaloop
Check out these wallpapers of other riders ripping it up.
Mauricio Abreu
Alexandre Neto
Christophe Tack
Gisela Pulido