Slingshot made a name in the kitesurf scene by making legendary kites that were simply really hard to kill. Their so called 'bomb-proof construction' was no marketing myth but had some actual merit. They probably had to as some of their teamriders were pushing the envelope like no one else at the time. Right from the start Slingshot also showed it was a very innovate brand, being one of the first to start designing kites for wakestyle riding. Slingshot retains this spririt to this very day, always investing in new talent and focusing new technology. Go to SlingShot website
Grabbing some rail on the 2015 Slingshot Asylum board
Sam Light feeling his way around in the dark on the 2015 Slingshot Vision board and Fuel
Sam Light indy glide on the 2015 Slingshot Fuel and Asylum board
Victor Hays with a grab on the 2016 Slingshot Rally kite and Misfit board
Sunset cruising on the 2016 Slingshot Wave SST kite
Patrick Rebstock cruising on the 2016 Slingshot SST Wave kite
Sam Light on the 2015 Slingshot asylum board
Victor Hays with a tail grab over a Brazilian buggy
Patrick Rebstock on the 2015 Slingshot Angry Swallow board
Patrick Rebstock on the new 2015 Slingshot Rally and Celeritas board
Sam Light on the Sling slider
Mauricio Abreu shredding a wave
RPM Armada
Sam Light riding the tube
The 2016 Slingshot Wave SST in action
The 2016 Slingshot Wave SST kite taking to the water
Sam Light getting fueled up
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